Today, I grieve the storms of the 2024 elections. I am feeling quieter than usual. Grief, I am learning, has a way of stealing my words.
But I want to reach out and connect with kindred spirits. So, I’ll tell you a story, but I need this photo to help me. Moments before I took this picture, the skies had been perfectly clear. This scene lasted for less than half an hour before the sun returned. No rain fell; no lightning cracked.
The entire time, a seagull stood rooted to this spot, looking from beach to shore. I relate to it today: hunkered down, on guard, assessing the situation. Witnessing. And silent—not the natural state of seagulls or writers.
If you grieve, if your heart is broken, if your rage is white hot, if you are afraid, I stand with you in solidarity. Please know that my silence is born of my own grief, not a distancing from you. I am being as brave as I know how to be.
The storms will shift. I will find my usual flood of words again. We will rise.
Perfect image and story for today, Lori. Thank you. Together we can heal.
Lori, Your support and encouragement means so much right now. Thank you.