“Does this resonate with you? Are you deep-thinking, empathic, and a big dreamer, endlessly passionate about what you believe in—but feel stuck in a world that doesn’t fit you? Are you pissed off, morally wounded, or just plain heartbroken over the state of the world and your own place in it”

YES!! Your intro post spoke to my heart! Thank you for creating this space. As a highly sensitive person I sometimes feel like I’m the “problem” rather than our toxic culture being the issue. Thank you for contextualizing the issues and creating a space like this!

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Shandra, I’m so glad we’ve connected! Thank you for sharing your experience. I deeply know that sensitivity is not a problem, but I also grapple at times with feeling that it is. Community is vital to challenging that message, so I’m so glad you’ve joined us. I look forward to how you add your voice to the mix! 🩵

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Did I just find my people? 🙂

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I hope you’ll stick around, share, and find out! 😊

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Love this well thought out intro Lori, I’m always up for a sensitive revolution!

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Yes!! So glad to have you on board, Louise! :)

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Lori, I resonate with everything you have written here. I definitely identify as a sensitive, deep-thinking, multi-passionate dabbler. Can't wait to read your posts. 💜

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Phoebe, I'm so glad you're here! I look forward to learning from you! :)

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Me too!!! I want to dabble & babble!!!

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Please do! Let’s get that energy out into the world. :)

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In 🙋🏻‍♀️!

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So happy to have you on board! 👏👏👏

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OMG Lori! Everything you just talked about is why I didn't continue on to become a therapist, I saw the system and couldn't bring myself to become a part of it. I'm also a dabbler (writer/film producer/hr person/neuroscience enthusiast/therapist to my friends only) which I knew wouldn't fit well. I'm so so so glad to have connected with you. I feel not so alone now :) I can't wait to learn from and with you here in this amazing space!!

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Mesa, it’s so cool to hear that you dodged the system! So grateful to have another dabbler in my sphere! It makes life so much richer. I can’t wait to learn from and with you, too! :)

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Being sensitive is a super-power that I tried to douse with alcohol and other bad habits. Thanks for seeing and supporting us, Lori.

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Thanks for sharing your experience! But this is for me, too. I know all too well how important it is to find ways to live with sensitivity without just dousing it (and that's a lovely way of putting it, by the way). Dousing works, but the price we pay is too high in the long run.

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Lori, I love the name and this introduction/call to action! What you wrote about being a dabbler reminded me of something Barbara Sher wrote.

She differentiates between divers (those who go really deep on one single topic/in one area) and scanners (multi-passionate people who are more like honeybees, moving from one flower to the next).

I'm definitely a scanner who sometimes goes deep on a subject of interest.

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Hi Louise! Thank you for sharing Barbara Sher’s perspective. There are so many fruitful ways of thinking about how we go through the world, and diver/scanner is another. But, like you, I go back and forth between those modes. I think that’s part of the joy in life. So glad to hear from you and begin to get to know you!

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I agree—we are allowed to contain multitudes, and to transcend labels (rather than get restricted by them).

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Labels are only helpful to a certain extent, and then I think we must transcend them! ❤️

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