Thank you for sharing. My mum and my dynamic is similar, I think there's something in being total opposite to your parents. It's like as kids we take on the "missing" traits of our dominant parent to create harmony in the family

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Thank you for sharing your experience, Ellina! You're right, a lot of kids do end up balancing out their families. And the emotional intelligence and deep connection to others that sensitive people bring is definitely needed in our families and our society. 🩵

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Your story reminds me a bit of Liz Gilbert’s upbringing. She, too, was a sensitive kid, who was scared of everything. Her mom likewise wouldn’t hear of it.

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Yes, Ilona, I think there are a lot of us whose parents couldn't and/or wouldn't accept our sensitivity (especially those of us who are of a certain age...). Maybe a lot of mothers, like mine, wanted their daughters to be strong and couldn't fathom that strength and sensitivity can coexist. I'm glad things are shifting, but we have a long way to go as a culture. 🩵

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Love this, thank you for sharing the complexities of our experiences. Intergeneration indeed and its relationship to societal conditioning. 🙏

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Thanks, Simone! I'm grateful to have you here. 😊

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Thank you Lori for sharing this 🌺 This made me tear up. I LOVED how you discussed it, with such nuance. It's hard to articulate something so complex as our experiences with our parents, and you did it beautifully.

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Ritu, I appreciate you sharing. You're right, it is incredibly difficult to fix the complexity of our relationships with our parents in words. Thank you for your support! ❤️

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This was an incredibly insightful &

superbly sensitive write up.

Brilliantly Articulated ~ Thank You!

All The VERY Best @Lori

Sincerely : Row // NDNet

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Thank you, Row! Wishing you all the very best, too!😊

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