I can definitely apply these qualifiers to myself as well. Definitely a nerd, but starting to love that about myself more and more. Quiet revolution is my jam. I have been exploring acceptance and patience/baby steps when it comes to change. I feel like big leaps and change comes with patience, trust, and both big and small steps.

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You're welcome here, Meera! I think acceptance, patience, and trust are countercultural steps to be taking. I suspect that these quiet revolutions are the ones that will move us forward individually and as a species. Thanks for sharing your perspective!😊

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Jun 28Liked by Lori L. Cangilla, Ph.D.

Wow, Lori!!! I found myself nodding my head to each descriptor you used for yourself…silently saying, “Yep, me, too…check, chem, check.” It’s nice to know I have some company here.

My revolution is my own Substack page—Notes for Neighbors. We seem to have similar life views.

Here’s to our revolutions!!! ♥️😊👍

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I'm thrilled to have your company, Angie! I love that Substack is a great incubator for all of our revolutions. I'm looking forward to following yours! 😊

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Jun 29Liked by Lori L. Cangilla, Ph.D.

Likewise!!! Have a great weekend!

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Jun 28Liked by Lori L. Cangilla, Ph.D.

This is beautiful! Revolutionaries are absolutely sensitive, intellectual humans who envision a better society. I am figuring it out still, but that’s the goal right there - move energy away from domination and to love.

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Thanks for responding, Shaista! Please don’t let me fool you into thinking I have it all figured out! Discovering our path to love and how to stay on it when things get tough is part of what it means to be human. I hope to continue to hear from you!

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Jun 28Liked by Lori L. Cangilla, Ph.D.

Not fooled! Hopeful 😉. Happy to be here!

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Whew! 😉 Happy to have you here!

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Yes, l want to come back alto see the day when the collective has realised its power to exercise the choice to their own revolution instead of choosing to hold the shackles, giving away their power. Thank you for this insightful piece 😊

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Yes, Simone, yes! I so appreciate you saying this. We are responsible for making better choices, which honestly shouldn’t be so revolutionary. 🤷‍♀️ Hope to continue to hear from you!

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Hi Lori, yes I think that because we have been conditioned to think that the physical world is all there is to us ... paying scant attention to the soul, we really have lost ourselves. People cannot imagine being governed by themselves, external to the fear mongering that governs us know. The day will come, we see the signs now ... Thanks for connecting 😊

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Jun 27Liked by Lori L. Cangilla, Ph.D.

This is a great piece, Lori. I am with you 100% on the nerd thing. The quiet revolution is underway. A new gentler world is coming. 💜

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I certainly hope so, Phoebe! Thank you for your kind response. I hope we’ll learn from and support each other!

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